G. Alexi Rodríguez-Arelis

G. Alexi Rodríguez-Arelis

Assistant Professor of Teaching

Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia


I’m an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Statistics at the University of British Columbia. I’ve worked in diverse fields throughout my academic and professional trajectory, such as credit risk management, statistical consulting, and Data Science teaching. I have a background in Industrial Engineering, and Applied Statistics including research related to machine learning.

My academic work is mostly focused on computer experiments that emulate scientific and engineering systems via Gaussian stochastic processes. I’ve developed modelling reformulations that seek to improve output prediction accuracy while relying on Dimensional Analysis and statistical principles from the first half of the 20th century. I’m also incredibly passionate about teaching statistical topics in a Data Science context while approaching real-life data-related projects for social good.

  • Data Science
  • Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
  • Statistical Consulting
  • Data Visualization
  • PhD in Statistics, 2020

    University of British Columbia

  • Master in Applied Statistics, 2013

    Tecnológico de Monterrey

  • BSc in Industrial Engineering, 2007

    Tecnológico de Monterrey






Statistical Consulting


Data Visualization


Data Analysis






Academic and Professional Experience

Sep 2024 – Present Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lecture instructor in the Combined Major of Science for the course SCIE 300: Communicating Science.
Sep 2023 – Dec 2023 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lecture instructor for the course SCIE 113: First-Year Seminar in Science.
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Jul 2023 – Present Vancouver, BC, Canada

Part of the academic team of the Master of Data Science (MDS). I’m involved in the following courses:

  • DSCI 551: Descriptive Statistics and Probability for Data Science
  • DSCI 552: Statistical Inference and Computation I
  • DSCI 553: Statistical Inference and Computation II
  • DSCI 554: Experimentation and Causal Inference
  • DSCI 562: Regression II
  • DSCI 591: Capstone Project
Sep 2021 – Dec 2022 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lecture instructor in the Combined Major of Science for the course SCIE 300: Communicating Science.
Postdoctoral Teaching & Learning Fellow
Jan 2021 – Jun 2023 Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lecture, lab instructor, and/or mentor in the MDS for the following courses:

  • DSCI 551: Descriptive Statistics and Probability for Data Science
  • DSCI 552: Statistical Inference and Computation I
  • DSCI 553: Statistical Inference and Computation II
  • DSCI 554: Experimentation and Causal Inference
  • DSCI 561: Regression I
  • DSCI 562: Regression II
  • DSCI 591: Capstone Project
Summer Fellow in the Social Good Program
May 2019 – Aug 2019 Vancouver, BC, Canada

The Social Good program is part of the Data Science Institute and runs annually every summer term. The program has interdisciplinary teams composed of undergraduate and graduate students, who partner with public organizations in Data Science related projects with a social impact.

The project was run in collaboration with the City of Surrey, BC. The main activities were focused on exploratory data analysis and modelling, which were targeted to assist policy decision makers in the implementation of the city’s electric vehicle strategy (more information can be found here).

Graduate Consulting Staff Manager
Jun 2018 – Aug 2020 Vancouver, BC, Canada

This position was held in the Statistical Opportunity for Students (SOS) program and the Short Term Consulting Service (STCS):

  • The SOS program is designed to help UBC graduate students formulate and understand the statistical matters involved in their research projects. This initiative is managed by the Applied Statistics and Data Science (ASDa) group at the Department of Statistics.
  • The STCS is entirely run by graduate students of the Department of Statistics. This initiative is meant to provide professional statistical assistance to on and off-campus clients. Graduate consultants are completely in charge of these consulting projects.
Statistical Consultant in the SOS program and STCS
Sep 2017 – Aug 2020 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Research Assistant
Sep 2014 – Aug 2020 Vancouver, BC, Canada
Research-related activities as part of the doctoral dissertation in computer experiments.
Teaching Assistant
Sep 2014 – Jun 2020 Vancouver, BC, Canada

Teaching-related activities include grading exams and/or projects, practicum design, and holding laboratories/office hours for the following undergraduate courses on a term-to-term basis:

  • STAT 200: Elementary Statistics for Applications in Science
  • STAT 251: Elementary Statistics for Engineering
  • STAT 305: Introduction to Statistical Inference
  • STAT 404: Design and Analysis of Experiments
Portfolio Information Coordinator
Jun 2013 – Jul 2014 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
  • Part of the team who was in direct contact with every financial figure involved in the process of a mortgage portfolio management: trustees, development banking, common representatives, bondholders, and rating agencies. These portfolios back different mortgage-secured bonds in the Mexican securities market
  • Reporting as well as statistical and database analysis required by these financial figures.
Credit Risk Analyst
Aug 2008 – Jun 2011 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
  • Periodic control, monitoring, and statistical analysis of credit risk exposure in the bank’s portfolio.
  • Global credit limits management and control regulation for State and Municipality Governments, and Common Risk Groups.
  • Statistical credit risk reporting for the Risk Management Direction, Risk Policies Committee, and Board of Directors.
